Modern Couple Session in the streets of Sydney City Australia

Couples' Guide



chapter 3

Location & Time


Two of the most important aspects of our session together will be planning where and when it happens. These factors have a huge bearing on what the photos will look like—so here's what you should keep in mind.

The time and place you choose to have your Couple Session will directly impact what your photos look like, so it's important to consider all the factors. These include:


1. Season and time of day

2. Your schedule

3. Time until your wedding


1. Variation in surroundings

2. Sentimentality & vibe

3. A note on proposals


Season and time of day

Seasons have a huge bearing on location-based photography. They not only influence the overall colour scheme and lighting, but also what you wear, and which location is appropriate. Think about it—in Winter, you'll be rugged up in layers, surrounded by bare trees; in Summer, you'll be wearing loose clothing and sandals, perhaps on a beach; in Autumn and Spring you'll have the orange leaves and colourful flowers to enjoy, respectively. While every season is beautiful (there's no right or wrong), it's something to consider. The seasons also determine how light behaves and when the sun sets. In Winter, the sun sets 1-2 hours earlier than in Summer, so this influences when we can shoot.


As previously mentioned, each Couple Session takes around 1.5 hours, and that doesn't include travel time, parking, walking etc. To ensure the best result for your photos, you want to be as relaxed and in-the-moment as possible. Try not to schedule any important events or appointments on shoot day. In fact, why not make a day of it? Get brunch at a cafe, explore the local area, enjoy each others' company. There's no need to rush.

Time until the wedding

Some couples opt to schedule their Couple Shoot close to the wedding (1-2 months out) to practice and make sure they'll be comfortable in front of the camera on their wedding day. Others choose to propose on camera or schedule their Couple Shoot months in advance—even a year or more out—from their wedding, so they have plenty of time to use the photos for custom wedding invitations and other stationery on the day. There's no right or wrong, but it's good to keep in mind.


Variation in surroundings

You want to choose a place with plenty of variation in the landscape. I'd suggest avoiding bushland, as it tends to all look the same. Opt for coastal locations (ocean, rocks, sand and vegetation), city locations (multiple buildings and features) or somewhere that will offer more than one colour scheme or vibe. If you're not sure, I'm always happy to advise you.

Sentimentality & vibe

Is there somewhere that means a lot to you and your partner? Maybe the place you had your first date, where he proposed, or somewhere that holds significance for you or your family. You won't regret being sentimental—trust me. If nothing springs to mind, choose somewhere that reflects your personality or vibe as a couple. If you're born-and-bred city slickers, don't drive hours just to get photos on a farm. And if you love adventuring together outdoors, maybe the city isn't right for you. You catch my drift.

A note on proposals

If you require my services for a sneaky proposal shoot, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you'll need to specify the exact location you're going to propose, so I can get ready to capture the moment. Second, you'll need to make sure there are adequate "hiding places" so I can be out of sight and not ruin the surprise. Basically, a beach with no cover probably isn't going to work. But don't worry—we'll chat more about this to make sure it all runs smoothly.


